If you are a parent, God has already chosen some of the people whom you should be guiding - your kids! Here are ways to engage your children no matter what age!
Parents, you are the primary educators of your child's faith. You have the opportunity to raise up your child as a person whose journey with God began early. You can help equip him or her in walking in the way he or she should go.
Here are some questions to ask yourself:
How am I daily nurturing my child's identity and faith in Christ?
What do I hope my child's life of faith will be like when it is his or her own to steward?
Am I preparing my child to be a leader and world-changer for Christ?
First-Fourth Graders
Parents, read this to your child and have him or her respond.
We all need someone we can learn from, someone who's already been through the things we are going through. Who do you look to for help?
Our first choice should be our parents because they love us and want what is best for us. We can also look to men and women of God who our parents know and trust. As we grow and learn from those wiser than us in life and faith, we should then look to others who we can help along, too.
Here are some questions to ask yourself:
Who is helping me on my faith journey (Mom, Dad, grandparent, pastor, etc.)?
Who am I helping along on their faith journey (brother, sister, cousin or maybe even a friend)?
Fifth-Sixth Graders
Parents, read this to your child and have them respond.
Have you ever been lost - maybe at a big store or a new school? Chances are you asked someone for direction and help. It's good to get help when you need it. Psalm 121:1-2 says, "I lift up my eyes to the mountains - where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and earth." What if God wants to use YOU to be the help someone else is looking for?
Think about these questions: Who are you helping? Who do you have in your life that you are deliberately, purposefully helping to grow spiritually? It is part of what God calls us to do as followers of Jesus.
Here are questions to ask yourself:
Who's helping me grow in Jesus?
Who can I help grow in Jesus?
Seventh-Twelfth Graders
Parents, read this to your student and have him or her respond.
Why Crew Part 2?
One of the biggest determining factors in a faith that lasts past high school is a meaningful connection with someone further along in his or her faith journey than you. We want to make sure you not only have that type of relationship, but are also investing in those younger than you!
How do I find the right guide?
Pray! Ask God to direct you to the guide He has for you!
Look around. With whom do you already have a relationship with that you could simply make more intentional?
Ask your parents or youth leaders who may be a good fit for you. No matter who you choose, make sure your parents have met the person and are comfortable with your plan!
How do I find someone to guide?
Again, pray! Don't talk to the person before you talk to God.
Think. Are you already doing this in some way? Maybe you just need to think differently about a sibling or child you already know.
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