So you have a crew ... now what? ... buckle up, this is where it gets exciting!
Set up a routine with your crew members and start talking about important things. We've made it as simple as possible by giving you some guidelines and questions to ask each other.
Laying the Framework
Before you begin this journey with your crew, it's essential to lay down some ground rules. Without the proper framework, your boat is destined to veer off course or even sink. At your first meeting, every crew member should agree to these basic values as the framework for your time together.
Intentionality: Our crew agrees to meet regularly. (Sounds simple but it requires commitment.)
Permission: As a crew, we give each other permission to speak into each other’s lives in love. That means we need to be able to trust one another and understand that everything that's shared in our crew is completely confidential.
Direction: Crew members are committed to holding fast to the vision of growing deeper in our relationship with Jesus and one another.
Meeting together
Now that you know who your crew is, it's time to set up regular meetings—once a week or once every other week. It's easiest if you can fit your meetings into something you're already doing. You can meet for coffee before work or over a meal, whatever works best for your schedules.
Conversation starters
Each crew will move at its own pace getting to know one another and growing deeper into community with each other. This time is intended to help you focus on what God is doing in your life and to speak truth into the lives of your crew. As you come together you may find it helpful to ask each other these questions:
How's your First 20 going? Are you spending time with God each day?
Helpful resources to help your First 20 succeed!What is God saying to you through His Word and by His Spirit?
What do you sense God wanting to change in you?
What has God called you to this season?
How are you stewarding what has been entrusted to you? (Relationships, talents, material possessions)