If Jesus had been a sailor, His disciples would have been His crew. Working side by side, celebrating each other’s victories, supporting each other through life's storms, calling each other out when they were missing the mark, and operating as a cooperative team to achieve God’s plan for their lives.
Follow Jesus’ example and invest in others while allowing them to speak into your life at the same time. In other words, commit to a crew! Get together with 3-5 people of the same gender who you can trust and be real with. These people will be the start of your crew. You'll meet regularly to have meaningful conversations about life and your journey with Jesus.
How do you find crew members?
First, start by praying and ask God to help establish your crew. As a crew’s goal is to grow deeper in relationship with Jesus and one another, we are confident that He will lead and guide you. Take a look at what Scripture has to say about friendship.
Next, take a “relational inventory” of Christ followers in your life who you naturally connect with. In many cases, forming a crew may simply mean being more intentional with people you already know. Be sensitive to God’s leading and consider people who are different than you or whom you may not yet know well.
Don't have those kinds of friends yet? We encourage you to connect with people in one of our many groups including Men’s, Women’s, Care, Community Groups and more. Our groups are great places to meet future crew members. Click the Connect tab on our main website to learn about groups, and check out our Events page for upcoming events across our campuses.