Look around for others who can help enhance your faith journey, someone or multiple people just for you, not your whole Crew.
HAVING A mentor
No matter what stage we are at in life, we all benefit from others' wisdom. We all need people to invest in our lives. Where do you start when finding someone to serve as your mentor? Prayer. As you pray, keep in mind this person should be the same gender as you, but be open to a guide who is otherwise different from you in age, race, physical ability, etc.
Ask God who He wants to use as your mentor, keeping in mind the person meant to invest into your life might be a:
Mature friend at work who is already praying for you and guiding your steps
Parent with whom you are comfortable sharing your struggles
Marriage counselor you and your spouse are meeting with regularly
Community Group leader
Neighbor with whom you've connected well
Ministry leader at church
Have a conversation with the person God places on your heart to see if he or she is willing/able to intentionally connect with you once a month. You might already be doing this and not even know it! Now's the time to be intentional. Try not to be discouraged if the person can't be your mentor right now. God has the right person ready and waiting for you!
Once you’ve established who your mentor will be, it’s time to start talking! We’ve provided some talking points for your first time together here.