My Crew Part 2

My Crew Kit: Part 2

In Part 1 of My Crew, we intentionally gathered a group of 3-5 people to journey with us. 

Part 2 of My Crew involves each Crew member picking up two crucial passengers in their journey toward growing deeper relationships with Jesus and one another:

  1. A Guide: Someone who will spend time investing in you
  2. Someone to Guide: A person in whom you can invest

Gordon MacDonald, author, pastor, Chancellor at Denver Seminary, and editor-at-large for Leadership Journal teaches on the importance of investing in the lives of others. Watch the entire video here.

You may already have these people in your life or you may need to be intentional about establishing these relationships. Either way, we're here to help! 

The Bible often talks about the value of having and being a guide - investing in each each other's lives. We've gathered some great resources that teach on this important idea.


No matter your age or level of spiritual maturity, the Bible is clear that you need a guide! We are designed for relationships with Spirit-led people who can invest in us, passing on their experiences to help us navigate our situations. Remember, this is a guide just for you individually, not your entire Crew. Each Crew member will find his or her own guide.

Having a Guide →

commit to being A GUIDE 

Helping others navigate life is no small task, but it is key in continuing God's work on this earth. Who can you help guide along life's journey? Who’s life can you invest into regularly? Remember, this is a person for you to guide, not your entire crew. Each crew member will find their own person to help guide.

Being a Guide →



Once you have established one or both of your guide-ing relationships, take a minute to let us know, then set up a routine when you check in with one another. Investing in each other's lives takes time. Just like in Part 1, it's important to lay some framework. We've put together some conversation starters for you and your guide.

Guide-ing Conversations →


The purpose of participating in My Crew is to deepen our relationships with Jesus and one another in an effort to ignite our faith as a church body. Along with the My Crew journey, Walnut Hill Community Church seeks to ignite faith with targeted resources, goals and events throughout the year.

Ignite Faith: Resources and Key Dates →